With beautiful weather outside, and a recent trip to the Hudson Valley this weekend, all I want to do is hang out in great outdoors. Growing up, my grandfather had a washer pit in the backyard where I got schooled by my cousins and loving brother each spring and summer. I'd be happy losing again, just to have a sweet set like these:

Missouri Washer Works explains the game’s rules:
The game can be played with two or more players, as long as the teams are even.
Boxes are placed 20 feet apart on a flat and level surface.
Players must stand behind the front edge of the box,
and toss each of his or her three washers (usually underhanded)
toward the opposite box. The next player then does the same.
The highest score wins the round.
Points are awarded as follows:
1 point for a washer that lands in the box
3 points for a washer that lands in the cup (a “cupper”)
Opposing washers in the box (or in the cup) cancel each other out.
Continue rounds until one player reaches 21 points.
In Fredburg, it’s as common to find a summer bbq with a washer competition as it is to find a cooler full of Bud Light tallboys.